Биография художника Надежды Стрелкиной


Nadezhda Strelkina
"Best Artist of the Year" for the "Melody of Angels" series from the American company The Bradford Exchange.

Lacquer miniature

One of the traditional and most famous types of Russian national applied art is miniature lacquer painting on various papier-mache products. The Russian Russian lacquer miniature on papier-mache products is famous all over the world – it is enough to go to any Russian souvenir shop to make sure of this. Russian Russian villages of Palekh, Kholui, Mstera and, of course, the homeland of Russian lacquers Fedoskino became the initial centers of the development of crafts. Lacquer miniatures of each of these places have their own production and stylistic features, and a specialist will always distinguish where a particular product is made.

The Fedoskin lacquer miniature is executed on a finished papier-mache product with oil paints in three or four layers - the masking (general outline of the composition), the writing or grinding (more detailed study), the lamination (modeling of the image with transparent paints) and the glare (completion of the work with light paints transmitting glare on objects) are performed sequentially. The original Fedoskinsky technique is "writing through": a reflective material is applied to the surface before painting — metal powder, gold leaf or potal, or inserts of mother-of-pearl are made. Shining through transparent layers of laminating paints, these linings add depth to the image and give an amazing glow effect. The range of handicrafts is very diverse — caskets, caskets, boxes of various shapes and sizes, album covers and notebooks, teapots, eyeglass cases, Easter eggs, jewelry and much more.

Family Dynasty

The artist Nadezhda Strelkina was born and grew up in the village of Fedoskino near Moscow. Strelkina is her married name, and in her maiden name she is Burbysheva. The Burbyshev family gave birth to several generations of famous Fedoskinsky artists. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, Nadezhda's great-grandfather owned a small factory called the Burbyshevskaya Workshop, which produced painted lacquer snuffboxes, silver cigarette cases, cups, etc. The revolution of 1917 made private entrepreneurship impossible, and the Burbyshevskaya Workshop ceased to exist. However, the dynasty of Zakhar Timofeevich Burbyshev was continued by his sons, Semyon and Dmitry, who were the leading artists of the Fedoskinsky artel in Soviet times. Nadezhda Strelkina's father, Viktor Semenovich Burbyshev, was among the best artists of the Fedoskino Miniature Painting Factory and worked there for more than 40 years.Nadezhda also continued the dynasty of artists, graduating from the Fedoskin School of Miniature Painting. She showed her painting skills very early. She considers the old classical masters to be her main teachers in art. Inspired by them, as well as by ancient Russian fairy tales and spiritual traditions, she creates images that awaken kind and bright feelings in the viewer. Nadezhda's artistic style is peculiar and makes her work immediately recognizable. Her writing style is very delicate and famous for the soft, gentle depiction of faces, as if glowing from within. This is the embodiment of the Russian ideal of female beauty.

Work and museum

Nadezhda Strelkina's works are in the Museum of the Fedoskino Factory, as well as in many private collections in Russia and abroad. In 1997, Nadezhda's works were licensed in the USA and immediately gained huge popularity. The largest souvenir company "The Bradford Exchange" has released a series of music boxes, porcelain plates, Christmas decorations, etc. "Symphony of Angels". For this series, Nadezhda was awarded the crystal cup "New Name of the Year".

Nadezhda Strelkina's works are in the Museum of the Fedoskino Factory, as well as in many private collections in Russia and abroad. In 1997, Nadezhda's works were licensed in the USA and immediately gained huge popularity. The largest souvenir company "The Bradford Exchange" has released a series of music boxes, porcelain plates, Christmas decorations, etc. "Symphony of Angels". For this series, Nadezhda was awarded the crystal cup "New Name of the Year".

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